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[001] the appurtenances in such a vill (or ‘Know that when A. in our court before etc.
[002] claimed against B. so much land etc. by an assise of mortdancestor there summoned
[003] between them’) the same B. came into our same court before etc. and acknowledged
[004] that all the aforesaid land with the appurtenances was the right of A. and restored it
[005] to him in the same court. Therefore we order you etc. (as above).’ If he cannot have
[006] his seisin (or the peaceful use of his seisin) by this writ, the justices usually write to the
[007] sheriff in their own name on behalf of the lord king as follows.

If the justices on their own authority write to the sheriff on behalf of the lord king.

[009] ‘Such a one and his associates, justices itinerant in such a county, to the sheriff,
[010] greeting. Know that in the king's court before us such a one recovered his seisin etc.
[011] (as above; and so in all other writs, according to the form of the writ). Therefore we
[012] order you on behalf of the lord king etc. (as above).’ If one has recovered his seisin
[013] by concord and fine levied in an assise1 of mortdancestor, or one has acknowledged
[014] the land to be the demandant's right in whole or part, or conversely if the demandant
[015] has remitted and quit-claimed his right, or they have come to an agreement in some
[016] other way, let the whole form of the concord as agreed between the parties be inserted
[017] in the writ for giving seisin in this way.

Writ of seisin if by concord.

[019] ‘The king to the sheriff, greeting. Know that an agreement was made in our court
[020] before our justices etc. between A. the demandant and B. the tenant with respect
[021] to so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill as to which an assise of mortdancestor
[022] was summoned between them in the same court, that is, that the aforesaid,
[023] such a one remitted (or ‘acknowledged’ etc. Here let the whole form of the concord
[024] be inserted word for word, and at the end let this be said:) Therefore we order you
[025] without delay to cause the aforesaid to have full seisin of all the aforesaid land with
[026] the appurtenances in accordance with what was said above. Witness etc.’ If the
[027] demandant has remitted the whole, or the tenant has acknowledged the whole, and
[028] has received land in return for the remission or acknowledgment, then let this be said:

Of making an extent where land has been assigned in exchange.

[030] ‘Know that an agreement was made etc. (as above), that is, that the aforesaid A.
[031] acknowledged (or ‘remitted’) etc., and for this etc. the same B. granted to the same
[032] A. twenty shillings worth of land and rent from his land in such a vill.


1. ‘assisa,’ all MSS

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Page last reviewed April 2003.
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