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[001] a parcener. [Or] that the parcener [not] mentioned is dead without an heir of his body,
[002] or if he had heirs, they all are dead. [Or] that he who is alleged to be a parcener remitted
[003] and quit-claimed all his right therein to his co-heirs. To the first of these
[004] replications of the demandant, that the parcener is not named because he is a bastard,
[005] a triplicatio may be made by the tenant that he is to be named because it is still uncertain
[006] whether he can prove himself legitimate or not, and the same answer may
[007] be made in the case of the villein who is not named. To the replication that the woman
[008] parcener ought not to be named since she is married to a villein, the triplicatio may
[009] be made that she ought to be named, because if she cannot take at the moment she
[010] may take in the future because the villein may die. To the replication that the parcener
[011] not named holds part of the inheritance in maritagium and is unwilling to put
[012] her marriage portion into the pot, the tenant may triplicate that [since] that is still
[013] within her election she ought therefore to be named in the writ. To the replication
[014] that the parcener [not named] is in the allegiance of the king of France, the triplicatio
[015] may be made by the tenant that he is to be named because the two lands may become
[016] common. To the replication that the parcener [not named] is dead without issue, or
[017] if he had children they are all dead, because it may be doubted whether it is so or not
[018] let another day be given, that a certification be made, and according to that let the
[019] writ stand or fall. There may also be doubt where he alleges that the parcener remitted;
[020] let another day be given, as above, and let the parcener be summoned to appear to
[021] show whether he claims any right with the other parceners in the inheritance, for if
[022] he remitted that part accrues to the others. The same may be said, according to some,
[023] of the bastard and the villein demandants not named, which some do not admit. Note
[024] that some parceners may sue at once and take, and others may sue at once but take
[025] nothing until a future time, as a woman married to a villein, and he who is in the
[026] allegiance of the king of France, [but] all ought to be named. There are some who
[027] once could take but now cannot, because they are made incapable by delict and felony,
[028] as those condemned for crime; such need not be named. But all are to be named


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